WN Sports Leadership Academy

It’s been a very busy end of term for members of the West Norfolk Sports Leadership Academy who have been out and about supporting a number of local sporting events.

A group went along to Race for Life at Houghton Hall where they were Marshalls on the course providing support and motivation for the participants.

A Group from KES Academy went out to Heacham Junior school to support their KS1 and 2 Sports Day running activity stations and marshalling the track.

Another group did a takeover at Junior Parkrun this Sunday where they completed all the jobs to ensure the event ran smoothly and safely.

Three examples of what the ethos of the Leadership Academy is all about – Local Leaders supporting Local events across the community.

The final event for this term will be a Basic Sports First Aid course for some Leaders while at the end of the Summer Holidays there will be a Young Hockey Leaders course running at Pelicans HC and an FA Laws of the Game course running at KES Academy.

The Sports Leadership Academy is open to all students across West Norfolk and more information can be gained from PE Departments or by emailing Tracy Bower direct at tracy.bower@kesacademy.co.uk.


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